Friday, February 8, 2013

Three Or Four?

Eivie baru 11 bulan, aku dah fikir pasal next baby. Not about making another one but about how many do we actually want. No, I'm not the ambitious and yet very patient mothers who would want many children, I'm just not that strong mentally and emotionally (physical and financial, let God decide).

It;s about my health condition and the limitations, since I already had two c-sections. In Malaysia, the maximum number of children that a mother could go after two c-sections is 4 (all via c-sections, of course). That would still depend on the thickness layer of the old incision (acceptable thickness, then four is ok).

In my case I was advised to get this information from the previous gynecologist and this could affect my decision to stop at three or four (number of children). If I am to have three children, I might as well opt for tubal ligation or tubectomy  during my third c-sections procedure.


If I could actually give birth to the maximum four children, it is still a dilemma whether or not to proceed with tubal ligation during the same c-section procedure for child number 3. May be I might want to stop at three with no regret but, kalau dah tiba-tiba rasa nak beranak kecil pada usia 40, tak ke dah menyesal kalau buat tubal ligation awal-awal.

Nanti lah fikir.

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