Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
Cerita Fidyah Tahun Kedua
Mula-mula aku ingat nak tweets je pasal ni. Tapi panjang sangat pulak.
Papa baru saja pulang dari menyelesaikan zakat fitrah dan membayar fidyah untuk isterinya ni ha. Fitrah untuk 4 orang, fidyah untuk 26 hari puasa yang aku belum belum dapat ganti. Ada beberapa faktor yang membuatkan aku tak sempat ganti, harapnya lepas raya tahun ni dapat lah ganti.
So, talking about fidyah. Rasanya pasal zakat, the basic information that I have, if not equal, is less than what you already know. Plus, it's good if you could refer to the correct source. Afterall, zakat fitrah is not new to you and it's a yearly vow anyway.
So, fidyah. Aku dah dikenakan bayar fidyah ni bermula tahun lepas. When I had Eivie in my tummy for around 2 months, I was as equally sick as when I had Eirsa in my tummy around that period too. But I still could endure Ramadhan and scored 30/30 in my fasting chart. Dah memang tak lalu makan, muntah lah 5 kali sehari sampai keluar asid perut pun, memang tak boleh nak menelan apa pun lepas tu, lalu berpuasa sajalah.
Masa mengandungkan Eivie, sama jugak. Jenis muntah-muntah hatta terhidu nafas suami sekali pun (terbau kari pun boleh bikin marah), keluar air perut pahit warna kuning, sama je. Tapi, kali ni saya tak boleh berpuasa. Akan rasa sangat letih, boleh pengsan. And I scored 0/30 in my fasting chart for year 2011. Tak pe, tak de rezeki. Tak payah sedih sangat sebab tu Tuhan bagi kelonggaran untuk tidak berpuasa.
In 2012, alhamdulillah, feeding Eivie lengthened my first BFF monthly visit after delivery and I could score full marks during Ramadhan. I mean puasa penuh lah walaupun dalam tempoh menyusukan. Namun begitu, dari masa lepas bersalin saaaampailah bulan puasa tahun 2012 yang sepatutnya aku mula mengganti puasa yang tertinggal pada 2011, aku tak sempat ganti. Tiap kali mula puasa, kepala akan sakit dan ada sekali tu hampir pitam. Mungkin sebab faktor keadaan yang menyusukan. All in all, tak dapat ganti langsung lalu papa kena bayar fidyah sebanyak RM51 untuk 30 hari. Memang betul, puasa dalam bulan Ramadhan dan puasa dalam selain dari bulan Ramadhan, letihnya lain.
The battle of mengganti puasa after that continued until end of Syaaban this year but I only managed to ganti 4 days only. Dah cuba tapi tu je mampu. So tahun kena bayar fidyah sebanyak RM93.60. Ini adalah mengikut kalkulator yang disediakan di laman web Lembaga Zakat Selangor.
Namun begitu.
Petugas kat Zakat KL pagi tadi bagi info lebih terang pada papa. Begini ceritanya :
1) Klasifikasi aku tak boleh puasa adalah sebab diri sendiri, bukan sebab bayi. Aku yang tak larat nak puasa, padahal kalau aku puasa, bayi tetap berupaya membesar dalam rahim (macam kes Eirsa, aku larat puasa, dah 4 tahun pon anak dara tu). Lalu, aku perlu ganti dan bayar fidyah.
2) TAPI. Jumlah fidyah untuk kes aku ini tak perlu digandakan pada tahun kedua jika tak dapat habis ganti pada tahun pertama, KECUALI kalau tahun pertama fidyah tidak dibayar. Oleh itu, kira-kira di atas tidak valid. Petugas mengira semula berapa perlu dibayar berdasarkan tahun tinggal puasa, tahun ganti, tahun dah bayar fidyah dan keputusannya papa perlu bayar RM46.70 sahaja.
3) Jika tidak berpuasa disebabkan anak, seperti mengandung dan kesihatan anak dalam kandungan akan tergugat kalau ibu berpuasa walaupun ibu mampu berpuasa, tidak perlu ganti hanya bayar fidyah. TAPI untuk kes ini papa tidak diterangkan dengan lebih lanjut kalau fidyah tahun kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya, adakah jumlah akan digandakan atau tidak. Jika konsep fidyah yang sama dengan kes aku, lalu ada kemungkinan bayaran setiap tahun juga adalah sama jika fidyah dibayar setiap tahun (please refer to the correct source for this, we don't have first hand information).
Begitulah adanya maklumat yang baru kami terima pagi tadi. Namun begitu panduan zakat dan fidyah ni mungkin berbeza, terserah kepada kita nak gunapakai yang mana. Sedangkan kadar zakat setiap negeri pun lain-lain, ye dak.
Till then, selamat berpuasa hari ke delapan belas.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Our First Nebulizer Experience
Yes, it's our very first. We never had any experience with it, neither Eirsa.
But Eivie yang merasmikan pengalaman ini.
We noticed that whenever she's affected with flu, it would take quite sometimes to subside. All in all, it might take around 2-3 weeks. Even with without-fail medicines regime.
We went to our regular panel clinic on Monday, she started to show sign of flu on Saturday (Eirsa yang mula-mula kena on Friday tapi alhamdulillah cepat surut), fever of around 38 Deg Celsius every night and early morning starting from Sunday. The doctor only prescribed her with the regular flu, cough and fever medicines and told us to come back after two days if fever still re-occurred (on and off basis).
Drugs (ubat lah) on, sedut hingus on, Vicks on, she still had fever at night and early in the morning. I suspected this caused by her throat; high possibility she breathed through her mouth, hidung tersumbat kot. Sapu Vicks (for baby, of course) kat tapak kaki, sarungkan stoken, bernafas ikut hidung tetapi sekali sekala ikut mulut, pun tetap tekak dia akan kering. Memang pesen tekak senang kering atau sakit, macam aku. So we brought her back to the clinic yesterday (Wednesday), but this time another doctor was in-charged.
And after checking her current body temperature and her breathings, and listening (or not so) some updated information from us, she advised us to bring Eivie straightaway to the nearest hospital's ER. I requested for antibiotics as advised by the doctor who attended Eivie on Monday, but this doctor refused. She wrote a referral letter and we left the clinic with only the letter (and syringe, aku mintak pasal hari Isnin hari tu tak bagi. kahkahkah).
Eh, takkan dah nak kena pergi hospital? I didn't think Eivie's condition was that bad. But yes, her chest ada bunyi sikit (wheezing). But it's 5.30 already I know my parents-in-law needed to prepare for berbuka meals and all.
Then my parents-in-law proposed us to bring her to her regular pediatric clinic (a bit expensive and not claimable though) for second opinions. Berdangkor-dangkor lah kami anak beranak pergi klinik jam 6.15 petang. Bawa bekal kurma dan air. Dan biskut bentuk ikan untuk anak-anak.
Lucky us there's only a patient when we arrived and we were next.
After thorough check ups (this is why I love pediatric clinics), the pediatrician prescribed her with 3 meds and of course an antibiotic. She also suggested Eivie to be on nebulizer for 5 minutes, to prevent more infection. Oh Eivie was doing fine with the nebulizer, not comfortable but not meraung meronta sepak terajang either. May be because the 'mask' was not placed directly on her face but close enough for her to breathe the gas in (note to self : bring some toys to ralit her).
And the pediatrician asked us to come back the next day (today) for follow up check up, for another round of 'nebulizing' if required. And papa reported to me this morning that Eivie didn't like the second session (he brought her pulak, gilir-gilir) and decided to cry her lungs out sampai berjejes keluar hingus. Bagus, lega sikit hidung dan paru-paru dia.
So parents, second opinions are always (very) helpful. Dan aku pelik kenapa doctor yang kendian tu tak nak suggest nebulizer. Aku rasa nampak je mesin tu kat klinik tu.
P/S : We understand that it's perhaps wiser to bring her to the hospital, with all available the experts, equipments and assistants but we also believed that her condition was not that kind of bad. Dia sangat aktif macam biasa and only with the second opinion kami decide tak perlu bawa ke hospital (please take note that second opinion is from another expert, not from tok bomoh ke jiran ke). Tambahan dengan bulan puasa bagai, lebih mudah sekiranya rawatan dilakukan di klinik atau rumah. Tak yah la nak cakap "Bawak je lah budak tu pergi spitaaaaal" pada kami sangaaaat. Kihkihkih.
But Eivie yang merasmikan pengalaman ini.
We noticed that whenever she's affected with flu, it would take quite sometimes to subside. All in all, it might take around 2-3 weeks. Even with without-fail medicines regime.
We went to our regular panel clinic on Monday, she started to show sign of flu on Saturday (Eirsa yang mula-mula kena on Friday tapi alhamdulillah cepat surut), fever of around 38 Deg Celsius every night and early morning starting from Sunday. The doctor only prescribed her with the regular flu, cough and fever medicines and told us to come back after two days if fever still re-occurred (on and off basis).
Drugs (ubat lah) on, sedut hingus on, Vicks on, she still had fever at night and early in the morning. I suspected this caused by her throat; high possibility she breathed through her mouth, hidung tersumbat kot. Sapu Vicks (for baby, of course) kat tapak kaki, sarungkan stoken, bernafas ikut hidung tetapi sekali sekala ikut mulut, pun tetap tekak dia akan kering. Memang pesen tekak senang kering atau sakit, macam aku. So we brought her back to the clinic yesterday (Wednesday), but this time another doctor was in-charged.
And after checking her current body temperature and her breathings, and listening (or not so) some updated information from us, she advised us to bring Eivie straightaway to the nearest hospital's ER. I requested for antibiotics as advised by the doctor who attended Eivie on Monday, but this doctor refused. She wrote a referral letter and we left the clinic with only the letter (and syringe, aku mintak pasal hari Isnin hari tu tak bagi. kahkahkah).
Eh, takkan dah nak kena pergi hospital? I didn't think Eivie's condition was that bad. But yes, her chest ada bunyi sikit (wheezing). But it's 5.30 already I know my parents-in-law needed to prepare for berbuka meals and all.
Then my parents-in-law proposed us to bring her to her regular pediatric clinic (a bit expensive and not claimable though) for second opinions. Berdangkor-dangkor lah kami anak beranak pergi klinik jam 6.15 petang. Bawa bekal kurma dan air. Dan biskut bentuk ikan untuk anak-anak.
Lucky us there's only a patient when we arrived and we were next.
After thorough check ups (this is why I love pediatric clinics), the pediatrician prescribed her with 3 meds and of course an antibiotic. She also suggested Eivie to be on nebulizer for 5 minutes, to prevent more infection. Oh Eivie was doing fine with the nebulizer, not comfortable but not meraung meronta sepak terajang either. May be because the 'mask' was not placed directly on her face but close enough for her to breathe the gas in (note to self : bring some toys to ralit her).
And the pediatrician asked us to come back the next day (today) for follow up check up, for another round of 'nebulizing' if required. And papa reported to me this morning that Eivie didn't like the second session (he brought her pulak, gilir-gilir) and decided to cry her lungs out sampai berjejes keluar hingus. Bagus, lega sikit hidung dan paru-paru dia.
So parents, second opinions are always (very) helpful. Dan aku pelik kenapa doctor yang kendian tu tak nak suggest nebulizer. Aku rasa nampak je mesin tu kat klinik tu.
Sebelum jumpa doctor, boleh la tenang-tenang main piano. |
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Ini orang pun sibuk nak mengikut. When she's younger, she hated doctors. Now, she even requested to see a doctor. |
P/S : We understand that it's perhaps wiser to bring her to the hospital, with all available the experts, equipments and assistants but we also believed that her condition was not that kind of bad. Dia sangat aktif macam biasa and only with the second opinion kami decide tak perlu bawa ke hospital (please take note that second opinion is from another expert, not from tok bomoh ke jiran ke). Tambahan dengan bulan puasa bagai, lebih mudah sekiranya rawatan dilakukan di klinik atau rumah. Tak yah la nak cakap "Bawak je lah budak tu pergi spitaaaaal" pada kami sangaaaat. Kihkihkih.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Farm In The City - Seri Kembangan
So this was our second time here. Masa pergi pertama kali harapkan gambar kat phone, langsung lelap je gambar tu dalam phone. Eivie was rather small and she basically spent most of her time in her stroller. Eirsa on the other hand was excited, being it 18 kali sekalipun. I think it's the idea of getting up-close and personal with the animals excites her.
Entering the area (car park) you'd go "Betul ke tempat ni? Macam tempat terbiar je." but there was a Farm In The City signage that would assure you that it was the right place. Entrance memang lah macam tempat terbiar. When it was our first, lagi lah kosong je entrance tu. But when we got back there in June 2013, dah ada fun fair area that might be operating at night.
The entrance fee's quite pricey but you'd be given with unlimited supplies of animals' food. RM30 for adult and RM20 for children taller than 90cm, plus another RM15 x 2 for poney rides (RM15 each), were what we paid that day. You could basically spend your whole day there, had a lunch at a small eatery area, but no surau I supposed. We spent 5 hours that day, termasuk 1.5 jam masa makan. Lepas makan puffff berdesup semula Eirsa masuk ke dalam, sambung main dengan arnab.
The highlights were of course the animals feeding and petting the animals (not all, of course). Eirsa sangat sangat sangat suka tempat ini, especially the rabbits and hamsters section which we spent around 2 hours at this section alone. The good thing was, this section was well-shaded so tak lah panas membahang yang boleh membawa kepada amarah. Animals were sectioned based on their categories. Ada section kekura, ada section burung, ada section rabbit + ikan, ada small reptile sections (dulu ada rama-rama, sekarang dah tak de), goat and deer section (kambing ini boleh berdiri, kalau mood dia baik), ular pun ada. Some exotic animals too (not in big scale though, seekor dua je bagi setiap spesis). Oh, of course there's a fish pond for fish feeding. Rasanya macam ada satu lagi section, under renovation.
Eivie pulak on and off, kejap dalam stroller, kejap main dengan animals, kejap naik balik stroller, tapi tak boleh lelap. May be due to the heat. Bawak kipas pon tak jalan, apa pun tak jalan. But she was a good company, tak merengek pun.
For us who live in the city, this place is a good place to expose our young kids with farm animals. Ok lah, budak yang besar pun boleh but I think younger kids (2-12 years old) will find this place more interesting than the older kids. Oh ya, during our second visit, adalah dalam 3-4 bas budak sekolah rendah / tadika kat situ. This place make a good field trip choice too.
And I would suggest you bring along plenty of water and snacks for the kids. You don't know how long you'll get stuck in there. Yes, it's allowed.
Sedikit gambar-gambar sewaktu lawatan pertama.
*Sebenarnya aku rasa banyak je gambar lain, tapi mana? Mana aku save?? Manaaaaa?!!
Entering the area (car park) you'd go "Betul ke tempat ni? Macam tempat terbiar je." but there was a Farm In The City signage that would assure you that it was the right place. Entrance memang lah macam tempat terbiar. When it was our first, lagi lah kosong je entrance tu. But when we got back there in June 2013, dah ada fun fair area that might be operating at night.
The entrance fee's quite pricey but you'd be given with unlimited supplies of animals' food. RM30 for adult and RM20 for children taller than 90cm, plus another RM15 x 2 for poney rides (RM15 each), were what we paid that day. You could basically spend your whole day there, had a lunch at a small eatery area, but no surau I supposed. We spent 5 hours that day, termasuk 1.5 jam masa makan. Lepas makan puffff berdesup semula Eirsa masuk ke dalam, sambung main dengan arnab.
The highlights were of course the animals feeding and petting the animals (not all, of course). Eirsa sangat sangat sangat suka tempat ini, especially the rabbits and hamsters section which we spent around 2 hours at this section alone. The good thing was, this section was well-shaded so tak lah panas membahang yang boleh membawa kepada amarah. Animals were sectioned based on their categories. Ada section kekura, ada section burung, ada section rabbit + ikan, ada small reptile sections (dulu ada rama-rama, sekarang dah tak de), goat and deer section (kambing ini boleh berdiri, kalau mood dia baik), ular pun ada. Some exotic animals too (not in big scale though, seekor dua je bagi setiap spesis). Oh, of course there's a fish pond for fish feeding. Rasanya macam ada satu lagi section, under renovation.
Eivie pulak on and off, kejap dalam stroller, kejap main dengan animals, kejap naik balik stroller, tapi tak boleh lelap. May be due to the heat. Bawak kipas pon tak jalan, apa pun tak jalan. But she was a good company, tak merengek pun.
For us who live in the city, this place is a good place to expose our young kids with farm animals. Ok lah, budak yang besar pun boleh but I think younger kids (2-12 years old) will find this place more interesting than the older kids. Oh ya, during our second visit, adalah dalam 3-4 bas budak sekolah rendah / tadika kat situ. This place make a good field trip choice too.
And I would suggest you bring along plenty of water and snacks for the kids. You don't know how long you'll get stuck in there. Yes, it's allowed.
Nah. Makan. Ikut nasib, kadang dah kenyang, kekura tak nak makan. Tapi biasanya mereka rotate beberapa tortoises, supaya tak de lah senak semua kena paksa makan sentiasa. |
First round of pony riding. RM15 for a less than 30 seconds ride, memang pedih di wallet sikit lah. But ini orang dah lama sebut nak naik horse nak naik horse. Nah, naik. |
She learned to carry a rabbit for the first time. And addicted. So the plan is to get her a pet after raya. |
Learned a new way to carry her buddy(ies) too. Dah berlengaih tukang dukung. |
She could go hours like this, I tell you. |
Two Japanese girls with so much passion towards the rabbits. |
Eivie pun bagi makan. Rabbits will never bite your fingers, they's only bite food. Aksi Eivie ini adalah cubaan nak |
Birds section. Ada peacock juga. |
1.5 hours break. Tunggu food lama jugak sebab ramai orang. |
Sesi penerangan oleh pegawai bertugas (not, laki lah aku tu). |
Second round of pony ride. Penutup acara pada hari itu. |
Dah sangat penat dan panas. |
Sedikit gambar-gambar sewaktu lawatan pertama.
Ada parrot show 2 kali sehari. |
*Sebenarnya aku rasa banyak je gambar lain, tapi mana? Mana aku save?? Manaaaaa?!!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Singapore March 2013 - Final Day
Huarrrrgghhh.. Mengeliat bangun pada hari ke empat dan tak sangka dah last day. We planned for this vacation for a year (from date of ticket flight purchase), tiba-tiba je dah nak balik. Ye tiba-tiba. Diam.
My baby Eivie on the other hand, macam biasa lah, Opah tak bagi lama-lama sebab kecik. Sejuk katanya. But of course she still had fun. Budak ni pun pencinta air.
Siloso Beach Resort has a nice swimming pool and of course the last day would be the day for everyone to enjoy this beautifully landscape-ed swimming pool (kecuali aku of couse, sebab sedang sibuk packing untuk balik. Dan oh ye, ibu bapa mertua). And to travel with two kids and with the anticipation of at least a swimming session, now you understand why do we always always have to pack for around a total of 15kgs of bags. Tu pun terbabas 1-2 kg, pinjam 'quota' ibu bapa mertua. Bayangkan pula proses packing, unpacking dan repackingnya. Bayangkaaaaan... Bayangkan saja tapi jangan muntah dek kerenyahan kerja. Kami mak-mak dah biasa.
Shhhhwiming time! |
Budak-budak biasalah, suka air. Sedangkan mak bapak budak pun suka, ye dak? The resort's swimming pool has this mini water slide and no one was there except my family. Apa lagi, conquer slide entah berapa ratus kali.
Eirsa was first getting down the slide on Papa's lap.
Then she got down the slide, still Papa but off Papa's lap.
And many many many times later, on her own. Papa pon dah tak larat nak memanjat slide tu entah ke berapa ratus kali.
My baby Eivie on the other hand, macam biasa lah, Opah tak bagi lama-lama sebab kecik. Sejuk katanya. But of course she still had fun. Budak ni pun pencinta air.
Celup-celup air dua tiga round.
Slide dua tiga round.
Makan biskut dua tida round.
Opah dah panggil naik.
Kemas-kemas, bilas-bilas segala, dah ready for checkout at 11.45am. Our flight was at 4.45 pm and we already booked the van for direct transfer to airport at 2pm. With standard checking out time at 12pm, we still have 2 hours to explore the island. So we hopped on and off the train shuttle exploring the island. Banyak lagi tempat yang kami tak pergi, nanti lah. Mana muat nak sumbat semua dalam itinerary 4 hari 3 malam (bajet pun tak muat).
So yeah. Everybody is looking forward for another Singapore trip in November, same arrangement but different hotel (as mentioned here) and of course itinerary. See you in November 2013, Singapore!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Singapore March 2013 - Day 3
So day three was yet another day for the kids. We went to Sentosa Island for the Underwater World and Dolphin show and the Song of the Sea show at night.
The island itself was well developed and well maintained, with many entertainments to be enjoyed if not the beaches. The Underwater World and Dolphin show was as good as you could get here in Malaysia (lebih kurang sama dengan Underwater World Langkawi kot, Aquaria tu pun even up lagi sikit). May be because the place had been around for quite some times. Arrived at 4.15pm and the place closed at 6pm, we basically managed to cover everything that this attraction offered. Kira nak cakap tak besar sangat tempatnya dalam sejam setengah dah boleh cover tengok Dolphin show dan (berlari anak ke) Underwater World. With that price, I could say 70% berbaloi lah. The new underwater world thingy was actually the S.E.A, with a bit more expensive ticket price. I didn't do the homework about this place, but I think it's bigger.
Oh lupa. Separuh hari sebelum check out from Victoria Hotel, we went to Mustaffa Shopping Center. Alah, macam Mydin, with an attraction of cheap perfumes. Mungkin ada barang lain yang lebih murah, cuma kami tak sempat nak compare harga. Memang tak plan nak beli-belah sangat pon.
Checked out at 12pm, hired the same private van to Sentosa Island (he offered flat rate of SGD50 for anywhere in Singapore) and off we went to Sentosa Island.
Siloso Beach Resort was just 2 shuttle-stops away from the Song of The Sea show place. Round-round naik monorail kejap pergi Vivo Shopping Center, patah balik and our session was about to start. Monorail was free but you have to have some sort of pink pass to re-enter the monorail (after departing at Vivo Center). Else, you'll be charged for another entrance fee to Sentosa Island. Tak, kami tak pi singgah USS hatta bergambaq kat depan entrance pun. Tak berapa sempat.
Oh this show. This 40 mins show was highly recommended! I purchased the VIP tickets but frankly, tak de banyak beza. Except that if you arrived late, your seats were still guaranteed tengah-tengah, tak de lah kena duduk bucu tengok pon sipi-sipi, senget-senget je. Eirsa enjoyed the show sooooo much while Eivie.. Hmm.. Eivie was an-easily-distracted baby, enough said. Kejap tengok, kejap lompat, kejap nak baring, kejap nak cuddle, kejap nak susu, kejap nak pergi kat Opah, kejap nak patah balik ke mommy. Nasib baik masa tu tak berjalan lagi, kalau tak, confirm mengeliat menggelungsur dia nak turun main pasir.
Had dinner at a restaurant nearby, not superb but ok, headed back to our room for our final night in Singapore.
Some visual compilations :
The island itself was well developed and well maintained, with many entertainments to be enjoyed if not the beaches. The Underwater World and Dolphin show was as good as you could get here in Malaysia (lebih kurang sama dengan Underwater World Langkawi kot, Aquaria tu pun even up lagi sikit). May be because the place had been around for quite some times. Arrived at 4.15pm and the place closed at 6pm, we basically managed to cover everything that this attraction offered. Kira nak cakap tak besar sangat tempatnya dalam sejam setengah dah boleh cover tengok Dolphin show dan (berlari anak ke) Underwater World. With that price, I could say 70% berbaloi lah. The new underwater world thingy was actually the S.E.A, with a bit more expensive ticket price. I didn't do the homework about this place, but I think it's bigger.
Oh lupa. Separuh hari sebelum check out from Victoria Hotel, we went to Mustaffa Shopping Center. Alah, macam Mydin, with an attraction of cheap perfumes. Mungkin ada barang lain yang lebih murah, cuma kami tak sempat nak compare harga. Memang tak plan nak beli-belah sangat pon.
Checked out at 12pm, hired the same private van to Sentosa Island (he offered flat rate of SGD50 for anywhere in Singapore) and off we went to Sentosa Island.
Siloso Beach Resort was just 2 shuttle-stops away from the Song of The Sea show place. Round-round naik monorail kejap pergi Vivo Shopping Center, patah balik and our session was about to start. Monorail was free but you have to have some sort of pink pass to re-enter the monorail (after departing at Vivo Center). Else, you'll be charged for another entrance fee to Sentosa Island. Tak, kami tak pi singgah USS hatta bergambaq kat depan entrance pun. Tak berapa sempat.
Oh this show. This 40 mins show was highly recommended! I purchased the VIP tickets but frankly, tak de banyak beza. Except that if you arrived late, your seats were still guaranteed tengah-tengah, tak de lah kena duduk bucu tengok pon sipi-sipi, senget-senget je. Eirsa enjoyed the show sooooo much while Eivie.. Hmm.. Eivie was an-easily-distracted baby, enough said. Kejap tengok, kejap lompat, kejap nak baring, kejap nak cuddle, kejap nak susu, kejap nak pergi kat Opah, kejap nak patah balik ke mommy. Nasib baik masa tu tak berjalan lagi, kalau tak, confirm mengeliat menggelungsur dia nak turun main pasir.
Had dinner at a restaurant nearby, not superb but ok, headed back to our room for our final night in Singapore.
Some visual compilations :
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Our daily ride. The system is reliable and very affordable. |
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On the way to Mustafa Department Store. Budak-budak, tempat lapang dan menarik sikit pun boleh bikin happy. |
Spending a night here for a rate of around RM420 (purchased via |
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The Sentosa Island. Huruf-huruf SILOSO tu biasanya mercu tanda ambil gambar kegemaran ramai, tapi tengah repair le pulok. |
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Dolphin Show, boleh lah. Eirsa tonton secara on off. Lebih kepada aktiviti makan kentang goreng (literally). |
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Underwater World. Sebelum masuk tu ada fish feeding section. |
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The Song of The Sea. 80% of the show was constructed using light, water and fire. Persembahan manusia hanyalah pembukaannya sahaja. |
End of Day 3. |
Friday, July 5, 2013
Singapore March 2013 - Day 2
That morning of second day we had breakfast at McDonalds, approximately 300 meters from our hotel. 8.30 am was the earliest that we could achieve every morning, considering the little ones. Tak, sebenarnya mak pak mereka yang liat nak bangun penat baq hang!
Around 9.30 we walked back to the hotel, requested the receptionist to call for a cab that could take all of us straight to the Singapore Zoo. 10 minutes later a comfortable private Honda van fetched us with charge of SGD50 per trip. For the 6 + 2 of us, that's considered ok; comfortable, no transit hassle, 30-45 mins ride, yeah, it's convenient if you could spend a little more.
Singapore Zoo was a huge place to visit. 3-4 hours well spent there, also had our lunch at a halal KFC within its zoo compound. The place was well maintained but some areas were closed for renovation (small area). A lot of visitors of course since it was Sunday but it was not crowded (the place is huge, I promise).
Went back to hotel around 2-3pm, we took a shuttle bus from Zoo to the MRT, around 10-mins ride, and straight back to our hotel. Kids were asleep all the way back despite the transit. Traveling using public transportation was very cheap and reliable too.
Lepak hotel kejap hilangkan penat, then we walked to the famous Zamzam restaurant for tapau and later to Bugis Street. A great bargain for souvenirs at Bugis Street especially the Singapore tees. The covered street was crowded with people, we only spent 30 mins there for tees and some other souvenirs. There were still a lot to explore if you walked through every single row within the street. Crazy atelyu.
Walked all the way back to hotel (around 600-700 meters) and of course lah kepenatan lalu melepak di hotel sampai malam, afterall it was around 6.00 pm already.
Day two photos :
Around 9.30 we walked back to the hotel, requested the receptionist to call for a cab that could take all of us straight to the Singapore Zoo. 10 minutes later a comfortable private Honda van fetched us with charge of SGD50 per trip. For the 6 + 2 of us, that's considered ok; comfortable, no transit hassle, 30-45 mins ride, yeah, it's convenient if you could spend a little more.
Singapore Zoo was a huge place to visit. 3-4 hours well spent there, also had our lunch at a halal KFC within its zoo compound. The place was well maintained but some areas were closed for renovation (small area). A lot of visitors of course since it was Sunday but it was not crowded (the place is huge, I promise).
Went back to hotel around 2-3pm, we took a shuttle bus from Zoo to the MRT, around 10-mins ride, and straight back to our hotel. Kids were asleep all the way back despite the transit. Traveling using public transportation was very cheap and reliable too.
Lepak hotel kejap hilangkan penat, then we walked to the famous Zamzam restaurant for tapau and later to Bugis Street. A great bargain for souvenirs at Bugis Street especially the Singapore tees. The covered street was crowded with people, we only spent 30 mins there for tees and some other souvenirs. There were still a lot to explore if you walked through every single row within the street. Crazy atelyu.
Walked all the way back to hotel (around 600-700 meters) and of course lah kepenatan lalu melepak di hotel sampai malam, afterall it was around 6.00 pm already.
Day two photos :
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All refreshed, perut penuh and ready for day 2. Map reader pon dah ready (dalam stroller) |
I also borrowed a carrier from a dear friend, we didn't buy our own considering Eivie doesn't like to be carried that way. It's actually quite helpful to be having one, easier to move around too. |
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Half a day at Singapore Zoo (1) |
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Half a day at Singapore Zoo (2) |
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Half a day at Singapore Zoo (3) |
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Half a day at Singapore Zoo (4) |
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Bugis area and Bugis Street. Please go crazy there. |
End of day two. |
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