But Eivie yang merasmikan pengalaman ini.
We noticed that whenever she's affected with flu, it would take quite sometimes to subside. All in all, it might take around 2-3 weeks. Even with without-fail medicines regime.
We went to our regular panel clinic on Monday, she started to show sign of flu on Saturday (Eirsa yang mula-mula kena on Friday tapi alhamdulillah cepat surut), fever of around 38 Deg Celsius every night and early morning starting from Sunday. The doctor only prescribed her with the regular flu, cough and fever medicines and told us to come back after two days if fever still re-occurred (on and off basis).
Drugs (ubat lah) on, sedut hingus on, Vicks on, she still had fever at night and early in the morning. I suspected this caused by her throat; high possibility she breathed through her mouth, hidung tersumbat kot. Sapu Vicks (for baby, of course) kat tapak kaki, sarungkan stoken, bernafas ikut hidung tetapi sekali sekala ikut mulut, pun tetap tekak dia akan kering. Memang pesen tekak senang kering atau sakit, macam aku. So we brought her back to the clinic yesterday (Wednesday), but this time another doctor was in-charged.
And after checking her current body temperature and her breathings, and listening (or not so) some updated information from us, she advised us to bring Eivie straightaway to the nearest hospital's ER. I requested for antibiotics as advised by the doctor who attended Eivie on Monday, but this doctor refused. She wrote a referral letter and we left the clinic with only the letter (and syringe, aku mintak pasal hari Isnin hari tu tak bagi. kahkahkah).
Eh, takkan dah nak kena pergi hospital? I didn't think Eivie's condition was that bad. But yes, her chest ada bunyi sikit (wheezing). But it's 5.30 already I know my parents-in-law needed to prepare for berbuka meals and all.
Then my parents-in-law proposed us to bring her to her regular pediatric clinic (a bit expensive and not claimable though) for second opinions. Berdangkor-dangkor lah kami anak beranak pergi klinik jam 6.15 petang. Bawa bekal kurma dan air. Dan biskut bentuk ikan untuk anak-anak.
Lucky us there's only a patient when we arrived and we were next.
After thorough check ups (this is why I love pediatric clinics), the pediatrician prescribed her with 3 meds and of course an antibiotic. She also suggested Eivie to be on nebulizer for 5 minutes, to prevent more infection. Oh Eivie was doing fine with the nebulizer, not comfortable but not meraung meronta sepak terajang either. May be because the 'mask' was not placed directly on her face but close enough for her to breathe the gas in (note to self : bring some toys to ralit her).
And the pediatrician asked us to come back the next day (today) for follow up check up, for another round of 'nebulizing' if required. And papa reported to me this morning that Eivie didn't like the second session (he brought her pulak, gilir-gilir) and decided to cry her lungs out sampai berjejes keluar hingus. Bagus, lega sikit hidung dan paru-paru dia.
So parents, second opinions are always (very) helpful. Dan aku pelik kenapa doctor yang kendian tu tak nak suggest nebulizer. Aku rasa nampak je mesin tu kat klinik tu.
Sebelum jumpa doctor, boleh la tenang-tenang main piano. |
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Ini orang pun sibuk nak mengikut. When she's younger, she hated doctors. Now, she even requested to see a doctor. |
P/S : We understand that it's perhaps wiser to bring her to the hospital, with all available the experts, equipments and assistants but we also believed that her condition was not that kind of bad. Dia sangat aktif macam biasa and only with the second opinion kami decide tak perlu bawa ke hospital (please take note that second opinion is from another expert, not from tok bomoh ke jiran ke). Tambahan dengan bulan puasa bagai, lebih mudah sekiranya rawatan dilakukan di klinik atau rumah. Tak yah la nak cakap "Bawak je lah budak tu pergi spitaaaaal" pada kami sangaaaat. Kihkihkih.
My son pun batuk n ada bunyik wheezing in his chest... Demam turun naik... Kena neb...Alhamdulillah he feels better n boleh tido nyenyak.....
Hi Baby Gifts Cabin!
Kitaorg first time dengan benda macam ni, never with Eirsa. So inshaAllah lepas ni tahu lah apa nak dibuat. :)
anak kedua. mesti kena neb kan?. same with me. ain tak kena, tapi aleesya kena. why ah?
Ayob, tak tahu lah suratan atau kebetulan. :D
It depends on budak punya antibody dan bila kena how soon flu / cold tu subside kot. Yang kena neb ni sebab kahak dah jadi sarang kat paru-paru.
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