Monday, December 17, 2012

When Everything Else Fails, Try This : Embrace

So we are now back to our own 986 sqft crib. At first we planned to co-live with husband's parents for the next 1-2 years, until the new house is ready. The idea was to sell our house as soon as possible, as it was kind of financially tight to maintain the house and at the same time to start paying for the new house's progress payment. Ada kemungkinan kena catu banyak benda, sedih tau kalau kerja penat-penat tapi rasa miskin.

As expected Eivie took some time to adapt with the new place. But well. Actually she only took 2 hours holding to me, before went exploring the house from corner to corner. Eirsa on the other hand was busy with her hey-long-time-no-see toys, especially her DVD collections. Papa was as usual, being cool and helpful. Me? I was quite nervous, I must say. There would be time when we'd be left alone just the three of us that I have to attend to their demands at the same time. Luciky Eivie was an easy baby, except last night she refused to sleep, even though the light's off. She still wanted to explore. Perangainya sekarang she ever gets angry (which is very rare), she'll cry hysterically as if she's in very much pain. Drama. There was a time yesterday when husband was out for dinner and Eirsa wanted to bathe and it was impossible to let Eivie unattended so I decided to bathe them both at the same time, dalam besen Ikea. Comel je si bogel berdua tu dalam besen. It was unexpectedly doable, sebab nasib baik Eivie dah boleh duduk. Tapi I really had to move fast, with that I hope I'd burn more calories and shed off some weight soon.

The kids have to also adapt with daily 30-45 mins ride (one way) with papa, unlike when we traveled when Eirsa was a baby, she was occupied with a DVD. This time around, we tried not to with Eivie. And she's being an angelic baby, so far very well behave in her car seat. The daycare is nearby Opah's house, it's easier for them to fetch the kids earlier, have grandparent-grandchildren time for 2-3 hours before papa fetches them back to our house. Oh. And papa would be carrying both of them from the house to our car (return), daily since I'll have to leave the house 1/2 hour earlier. InshaAllah, he could manage.

As for mommy, plan is I'll get back home the earliest possible, try to reach home by 6, attended to as many house chores as possible, have my dinner and make the house ready for my most fave 3 persons to arrive home at around 8pm. Then papa will have his dinner while I attend the kids. Then we'll play with the kids, get to bed latest by 10pm and repeat the routines the next day.


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