Saturday, January 5, 2013

On Potty Training - There's Hope

Well, Eirsa is almost four. At this stage it's actually not impossible to successfully train her. It's quite late but it's never too late either.

We restarted training Eirsa this morning. She managed to pee on the potty (urine inside the bekas of course) twice, since this morning.

BUT. She insisted to put still her diaper on. Mayu (malu) katanya. Each time. And. She would not tell us when she would actually want to pee, so we had to bring her to the loo every 1-2 hour.

But we see this is as a good development and hope that we'll improve as the days or weeks passed by.

Note : Child's development depends on the individual. Don't give up after several first tries. Keep on attending to the case when you see any sign of readiness.


~SaTo OrEo~ said...

eh macam berjanji pulak kita... :) kitorang start train Hazmi semalam.. memang perlukan kesabaran tinggi.. dah siap gulung karpet semua..mula2 je dia dah terberak dalam seluar.. huhuhuh.. sebab diorang dah terlalu selesa guna pampers.. tapi pagi ni alhamdulillah dah ada sket perkembangan... he managed to go to toilet to pee, twice.. :D dia pon start seronok bila kena puji..huhuh.. good luck Eirsa!

aku refer satu blog ni..bagus cara dia.. :)

Ahsuez said...

Oh hai Sato!

Kitaorg ni pun sebenarnya dah due, Eirsa tak berapa beri kerjasama sebelum ni, sekarang OK sikit, tu yang cuba semula.

Thanks for the link, nanti aku check. Anything yang kita boleh cuba, kita akan cuba!

And good luck to you and Hazmi too.

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