Friday, April 15, 2011

Online Grocery Shopping

I tried to browse and enjoy the convenience of online grocery shopping but I did not find the excitement of doing it. No, I did not even manage get to the point of doubting the quality or expiry date or tin kemek or telur pecah or tembikai lebam or what not, tak sempat. When I opened the front page of those websites, the pictures of me happily  membelek-belek, membelai barang, hatta setin susu pekat manis, stopped me from going further. The excitement is just not the same as compared to doing my online shopping for clothes.

Nonetheless, I fully support the effort of fellow Malaysians in venturing into online grocery shopping business, with the spirit that this effort also helps us, the utterly busy wife, housewife, momma, daughter, employee, friend and sometimes supir.

Based on my Google-ing, I found these services offered (I'm just listing some of them, you could probably find more of the same service provider by Google-ing "online grocery Malaysia", and no, I don't have any experience shopping from any online grocery shop before). 

1. DoorStep
2. Virgrocery
3. Presto
4. RedTick
5. Hanyaw
6. Khas (Wholesale)

No, I don't receive any commission and yes, you are bounded to their terms and regulations when purchasing with them, but this is somehow or rather helpful if you are one superbusy-I-dont-even-have-time-to-comb-my-hair person.

Have fun and share your experience with us if you might!

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