Not much on the celebration, as said before, she is too young to appreciate any birthday party bash. But her grandparents still wanted her not to miss the 'tiup lilin' and 'potong kek' tradition and they bought her one during kenduri doa selamat and tahlil held last Saturday. And as expected she stood in front of the cake, held the plastic knife, stared at the two candles and went ......... *crickets' sound*. Yes she did nothing but just staring at us! LOL! But she did enjoy the strawberry cake a lot and papa helped to blew out the candles and potong the cake.
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This was the scene during the kenduri, when Eirsa was asked to blow the candle and cut the cake. Literally, no sound. |
I forgot to bring my own socks and left alone jadi tukang jaga barang. But I managed to communicate with them and saw Eirsa 'live in action' via Fring and Tango (thank God for the technologies!).
And this is what I did while waiting for them (beside some quick shopping).
Opah, Atuk and Uncle Pi gave her this as birthday present (on top of other generous presents bought for Eirsa previously, thank you!).
While Mommy and Papa gave her unlimited love and care as birthday present, for her whole life. Ha ha. A part of that, of course there will be something special, if not during her birthday, perhaps some other days. Any day would be a special day when Eirsa is around. *ayat sedapkan hati*
Oh! Oh! We bought her this, boleh consider as birthday present, no?
Happy birthday my dear Eirsa. You know how much we love you.
P/S : Notice the new haircut? Tu semua Mommy punya kerja, in her effort of being creative and cheapskate. A post on the haircut will be up, soon.
ngelat ek.
ade ke unlimited kasih syg itu hadiah?
nnt eirsa dah besar...i report kat dia..haha
btw, jgn potong rambut i pasal i tgk rambut eirsa cm senget jer.
hahaha (dengki)
Happy birthday dear Eirsa.
may the diva be with you ;)
p/s:bila la dpt cubit pipi eirsa yg comel tuh ~
Oh Em Gee!!! That shoes are really2 gorgeous okeh!!! Kalau i ni Eirsa, dah buat lompat bintang dah. hihi
Eirsa, seb baikla awak ni comel walau dalam apa keadaan (*rambut) sekalipun. =D Aunty sees it as an art. Ahahaha.
Happy Birthday darling! :)
nampak gaya samurai lebih excited berbanding eirsha. ahahaha ye aku paham. masa kita kekecik dulu takde menatang tu, aku pun teringin nak main. ahahaha
Hepi Besday Eirsa...kalau dah faham nanti demand hadiah besar2 dari mommy and daddy, cam kereta kebal, kapalterbang boeing 747 atau anak gajah. Ini dikatakan hadiah jamak tak'hir...
Aunty Mel dan Aunty Nuurill, terima kasih! Tang rambut tu memang Eirsa dah pasrah dah, sebab Mommy kata nak simpan duit untuk study oversea sok.
Uncle Hasrul, terima kasih (walau lambat seminggu. Eirsa faham, orang lama, macam tu lah).
Nanti Eirsa request kat Mommy, but she needs all the paper works ready, dia nak study IRR, NPV and all the things yang dia pun tak tahu sebenarnya.
Yours Truly,
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